Newsletter articles archive
Here you can find all articles included in the previous newsletters. Use the menu on the right to filter only the categories you are interested into.
ICPM 2024: Some reflections
Written by Andrea Burattin -
ICPM 2024: Program in review
conference room
Written by Xixi Lu, Luise Pufahl, and Minseok Song -
End-user’s corner: Uniper’s Journey in process mining and intelligence to improve the energy business
end-users corner
exploring newland
A chat with Robert Daamen -
Academic stories: Sareh Sadeghianasl
academic stories
challenge and study
A chat with Sareh Sadeghianasl -
Call for papers: AI-Enhanced Business Process Management
challenge and study
publication outlet
Announced by Valeria Fionda, Antonio Ielo, Arik Senderovich and Emilio Sulis -
Call for papers: Novel Applications of Blockchain for Information Systems and Business Process Management
challenge and study
publication outlet
Announded by Giovanni Meroni, Andrea Morichetta, and Mattia Salnitri -
Denmark welcomes the process mining community!
Announced by Andrea Burattin -
Reflections on the Canadian Process Mining Roadshow
challenge and study
Described by Arik Senderovich, Daniel Amyot, and Shahin Karimidorabati -
Processes in the South across the ocean: Latin American Schools on process mining
challenge and study
Described by Andrea Delgado and Daniel Calegari -
Call for papers: “Artificial Intelligence and Processes” (a collection of the Process Science journal)
challenge and study
publication outlet
Announced by Chiara Di Francescomarino, Marwan Hassani, Jan Mendling and Arik Senderovich -
ICPM 2023: Some reflections
conference room
Written by Claudio Di Ciccio and Andrea Marrella -
ICPM goes North!
academic stories
conference room
publication outlet
Driven by Andrea Burattin, Ekkart Kindler, and Andrey Rivkin -
Process Management in the AI era (PMAI), co-located with ECAI 2024
conference room
publication outlet
Announced by Antonio Ielo -
Process mining meets visual analytics
challenge and study
publication outlet
Written by Claudio Di Ciccio, Silvia Miksch, Pnina Soffer and Barbara Weber -
The Steering Committee welcomes four new members
steering committee
Announced by Boudewijn van Dongen -
Academic stories: Xixi Lu
academic stories
challenge and study
conference room
Narrated by Xixi Lu -
Developer’s point: UpFlux
developers point
end-users corner
A chat with Cleiton Garcia -
Good news about the event data standards: XES, OCED and OCEL
challenge and study
Announced by the XES/OCED working group -
The Process Science journal
challenge and study
publication outlet
steering committee
Announced by Jan Mendling and Boudewijn van Dongen -
ICPM 2023: Ready, steady, go!
conference room
good reads
Invited by Claudio Di Ciccio and Andrea Marrella -
The Fifth International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM 2023)
conference room
Presented by Claudio Di Ciccio and Andrea Marrella -
Academic stories: Moe Thandar Wynn
academic stories
Narrated by Moe Wynn -
The Canadian Process Mining Community
end-users corner
exploring newland
Presented by Najah El-Gharib -
Exploring newland: Process mining and probability theory
exploring newland
publication outlet
Talking with Arik Senderovich -
Videos and other material of the Process Mining Summer School 2022
challenge and study
Announced by Marco Pegoraro and Wil van der Aalst -
Satellite events
publication outlet
steering committee
Recommended by Pnina Soffer -
Academic stories: Maximilian Röglinger
academic stories
challenge and study
end-users corner
exploring newland
Narrated by Maximilian Röglinger -
End-user’s corner: Dennis Preuss
end-users corner
Interviewed by Jan Mendling -
ICPM 2022: Some reflections
Written by Marco Montali -
The XES/OCED symposium at ICPM 2022
challenge and study
exploring newland
Announced by the XES working group -
Academic stories: Mieke Jans
academic stories
exploring newland
Narrated by Mieke Jans -
Developer’s point: mindzie
developers point
end-users corner
A chat with James Henderson -
Process mining in Python: pm4py
challenge and study
developers point
A chat with Sebastiaan (Bas) van Zelst -
Initiatives on process mining and education
challenge and study
steering committee
Announced by the Task Force on Process Mining -
ICPM 2022 workshops
publication outlet
Announced by Matthias Weidlich and Arik Senderovich, ICPM 2022 Workshop Chairs -
The first Process Mining Summer School was a big success!
academic stories
challenge and study
Described by Wil van der Aalst -
The Process Mining Handbook
challenge and study
good reads
Announced by Wil van der Aalst -
Academic stories: Stefanie Rinderle-Ma
academic stories
conference room
exploring newland
Narrated by Stefanie Rinderle-Ma -
End-user’s corner: Marcus Brenscheidt
end-users corner
A chat with Marcus Brenscheidt -
Process Mining for Healthcare: The PM4H manifesto
challenge and study
exploring newland
Announced by the Process-Oriented Data Science in Healthcare Alliance -
CI4PM, co-located with WCCI 2022
conference room
publication outlet
Announced by Massimiliano De Leoni -
PMAI, co-located with IJCAI 2022
conference room
publication outlet
Announced by Antonella Guzzo and Marco Montali -
ICPM 2022: Get ready!
conference room
publication outlet
Announced by Marco Montali -
Academic stories: Dirk Fahland
academic stories
exploring newland
Talking with Dirk Fahland -
Developers’ point: Celonis
developers point
An interview with Martin Klenk -
End-user’s corner: Aziz Yarahmadi
end-users corner
Talking with Aziz Yarahmadi -
ICPM 2021: Some reflections
conference room
Written by Boudewijn van Dongen -
The XES 2.0 workshop
conference room
Announced by the XES Working Group -
Updates from the Steering Committee
steering committee
Announced by Wil van der Aalst -
Process Mining Summer School 2022
Announced by Wil van der Aalst and Josep Carmona -
New course “Process Mining: From Theory to Execution”
Announced by Wil van der Aalst -
Questionnaire: the Process Change Exploration tool
Announced by Johannes De Smedt -
Exploring newland: process mining and organizational research
academic stories
exploring newland
Talking with Brian Pentland -
Developers’ point: QPR’s 30 years of development
developers point
An interview with Kari Junkkonen, Matti Erkheikki and Teemu Lehto -
End-user’s corner: Oliver Joeres
end-users corner
Talking with Oliver Joeres -
ICPM 2021: A message from the General Chair
conference room
Written by Boudewijn van Dongen -
The Industry Day at ICPM 2021
conference room
publication outlet
Presented by Rafael Accorsi and Hajo Reijers -
Update from PDC 2021: two winners!
challenge and study
developers point
Announced by Eric Verbeek -
The XES 2.0 workshop at ICPM 2021
Presented by the XES Standard Working Group -
End-user’s corner: Ivan Neskovic and David Suana
end-users corner
A chat with David Suana and Ivan Neskovic -
ICPM goes live again
conference room
Talking with Ine van de Moosdijk and Boudewijn van Dongen -
Exploring newland: process mining and automated planning
challenge and study
conference room
exploring newland
Talking with Andrea Marrella -
Conference room: BPM 2021
academic stories
conference room
Talking with Massimo Mecella -
ICPM 2021 Workshops: choose your flavour!
conference room
Presented by Jorge Munoz-Gama and Xixi Lu -
Updates on ICPM 2021
conference room
Announced by the ICPM 2021 organisation team -
PDC 2021: put your discovery algorithm to the test!
challenge and study
developers point
Presented by Eric Verbeek -
Survey: Improving Event Data Preparation for Process Mining
Announced by the XES Standard Working Group -
Exploring newland: process analysis and logics in AI
academic stories
exploring newland
Talking with Marco Montali -
Developers’ point: Signavio
developers point
end-users corner
An interview with Gero Decker -
End-user’s corner: Elham Ramezani
end-users corner
An interview with Elham Ramezani -
Conference room: BPI’21
challenge and study
conference room
publication outlet
Presented by Jochen De Weerdt -
Academic stories: Chiara Di Francescomarino
academic stories
Narrated by Chiara Di Francescomarino -
Event log standards: OCEL released
Announced by Wil van der Aalst -
ICPM 2021: get ready!
conference room
publication outlet
Announced by the ICPM 2021 Chairs -
Academic stories: Barbara Weber
academic stories
Narrated by Barbara Weber -
10 years of XES: The story so far
challenge and study
end-users corner
Talking with Wil van der Aalst, Joos Buijs, Boudewijn van Dongen, Christian W. Günther and Eric Verbeek -
Exploring newland: IoT and process mining
exploring newland
Talking with Avi Gal -
Developers’ point: The bupaR suite
developers point
Talking with Gert Janssenswillen -
ICPM 2020: Some reflections
conference room
Written by Massimiliano de Leoni and Alessandro Sperduti -
First global probe into process mining adoption and value
challenge and study
Announced by Julian Lebherz -
First audio course on process mining
challenge and study
Presented by Wil van der Aalst -
Academic stories: Artem Polyvyanyy
academic stories
Narrated by Artem Polyvyanyy -
End-user’s corner: Jan Felde
end-users corner
An interview with Dr. Jan Felde -
Behind the scenes of Celosphere Live 2020
conference room
developers point
Narrated by Brandon Ortiz -
Exploring newland: Process mining and healthcare
exploring newland
Talking with Jorge Munoz-Gama and Niels Martin -
The Conformance Checking Challenge: CCC 2020
challenge and study
Presented by Luciano García-Bañuelos -
Register for ICPM 2020 today!
Presented by Massimiliano de Leoni and Alessandro Sperduti -
Summer School on Process Mining
conference room
Presented by Wil van der Aalst and Josep Carmona -
Academic stories: Pnina Soffer
academic stories
Narrated by Pnina Soffer -
From Research Vision to Startup: The Story of Apromore
academic stories
developers point
Talking with Marcello La Rosa -
Exploring newland: Blockchains and process mining
exploring newland
Talking with Jan Mendling and Ingo Weber -
BPI Challenges: 10 years of real-life datasets
challenge and study
conference room
Presented by Boudewijn van Dongen -
End-user’s corner: Bruna Pereira
end-users corner
An interview with Bruna Pereira -
ICPM 2020 goes fully virtual!
Presented by Massimiliano de Leoni and Alessandro Sperduti -
Special Issue on Process Mining and Emerging Applications (MDPI Algorithms journal)
publication outlet
Presented by Antonella Guzzo -
Academic stories: Hajo Reijers
academic stories
Narrated by Hajo Reijers -
Developers’ point: Lana Labs
developers point
Talking with Rami-Habib Eid-Sabbagh -
Exploring newland: From Process Mining to Automated Process Improvement
exploring newland
An interview with Marlon Dumas -
End-user’s corner: Dominic Giss
end-users corner
An interview with Dominic Giss -
Challenge and study: Process Discovery Contest 2020 (PDC 2020)
challenge and study
Presented by Eric Verbeek -
Conference room: Business Process Management (BPM 2020)
conference room
Presented by Manuel Resinas, Adela del Río, and Cristina Cabanillas -
ICPM 2020: get ready!
Presented by Massimiliano de Leoni and Alessandro Sperduti