ICPM 2021: get ready!
ICPM conference room publication outletAnnounced by the ICPM 2021 Chairs
After the large successes both of the first edition in Aachen and the second virtual edition organised by the University of Padua, the Third International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM 2021) will take place in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, between the 31st of October and the 4th of November. Visit icpmconference.org/2021 to stay up to date with the conference. The website is continuously updated as soon as new aspects of the conference organisation are confirmed!
Stay tuned: In the next issues of this newsletter, we will have articles fully dedicated to ICPM 2021. In the meantime, you can already read the words about the conference by Chiara Di Francescomarino, PC Chair of ICPM 2021 (previous issues of the Process Mining Newsletter have already hosted the interviews to Pnina Soffer, PC Chair, and Boudewijn van Dongen, General Chair).
The organising committees are at work to make this event memorable. The Call for Research Papers is already out, so it is definitely time to work on your manuscripts! You can find the key dates for the research track also below for your convenience. Looking forward to your contributions!
Key dates for research papers
- Abstract submissions: 15 June 2021
- Full-paper submissions: 1 July 2021
- Notification: 15 August 2021
- Camera-ready submissions: 15 September 2021
- ICPM conference: 2-4 November 2021
- This article has been updated on March 29 2021, 11:01.
- Announced by the ICPM 2021 Chairs