ICPM 2020: get ready!


Presented by Massimiliano de Leoni and Alessandro Sperduti

The Second International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM 2020) will take place in October 2020 in the city of Padua, Italy between October 4th and 8th

The first edition in Aachen in 2019 was a large success as 420 participants attended the event, 180 being consultants and end-users. If it was still necessary, this shows once more that Process Mining has a great appealing on the industry, and companies can clearly see the business value of the insights into the processes that process-mining techniques are able to generate. The first edition in 2019 was the start of a very successful conference series, a remarkable example of a venue where academia and industry meet, give feedback and provide a boost to each other. In fact, the memory of the first-edition success will likely provide leverage and a cascading effect. A large number of process-mining consultants, end-users, vendors and academics will participate and contribute to the second edition in Padua. You can see some pictures of the city here: from top to bottom, the Padua's exhibition centre (the venue of ICPM 2020), the beautiful Prato della Valle, and the breathtaking Scrovegni Chapel, at the earth of Padua.

The first premonition that ICPM 2020 will likely be successful, even perhaps more than last year, is evident when we look at the sponsors that have already indicated that they contribute. In fact, nine sponsors have so far indicated that they will contribute, of which some were not sponsoring last year; we are at the stage of finalizing the necessary formal agreements. Remarkably, we are still 6 months ahead, and we are confident that more than the current nine sponsors will follow in the months to come. As a matter of fact, if you are willing to sponsor, please contact us at icpm2020@math.unipd.it. There are four packages available that suit everybody’s need.

Visit icpmconference.org/2020 to stay up-to-date about the conference. The web site is continuously updated as soon as new aspects of the conference organization are confirmed!

About the program

Key Dates for Research Papers
 • Abstract Submissions: 24 June, 2020
 • Full-Paper Submissions: 1 July, 2020
 • Notification: 5 August 2020
 • Camera-ready Submissions: 2 September 2020

Key Dates for Workshops
 • Submission of Workshop-Paper Abstracts: 18 August 2020
 • Submission of Workshop Papers: 25 August 2020
 • Workshop-Paper Notification: 14 September 2020
 • Camera-Ready Submissions of Workshop Papers: 22 September 2020

Key Dates for Demonstration Papers
 • Submission of Demonstration Papers: 4 August 2020
 • Notification of Acceptance: 31 August 2020
 • Camera-Ready Submissions of Demonstration Papers: 15 September 2020

The structure of the program of ICPM 2020 will not change drastically if compared with ICPM 2019 as the structure of last year has clearly demonstrated to be effective. The program of ICPM 2020 will be as follows:

  • On October 4th, the doctoral consortium will take place where PhD students can present their plan of research and receive feedback from process-mining experts to better steer their research.
  • October 5th is the day of the co-located events. In particular, the workshop chairs, Drs. Leopold and Leemans, perform a great job and selected six workshops on very relevant research topics in Process Mining (see icpmconference.org/2020/workshops). The program of the day will be complemented by the first Italian Forum on Business Process Management (see icpmconference.org/2020/itbpm), which will bring “under the same roof” the Italian community of BPM. 
  • October 6th and 8th will feature the research track with several sessions. Each session will focus on a different angle of the process-mining research: process discovery, conformance checking, predictive and recommender systems, and many more. During each session, prominent speakers will present their papers on cutting-edge research, which are carefully chosen by a program committee orchestrated by the conference chairs, Profs. van Dongen, Montali and Wynn. The call for research-track papers is available at icpmconference.org/2020/call-for-papers
  • On October 7th, the Industry Day will take place with several initiatives to bring together academia with industry. Most of the day will be devoted to several process owners and analysts who will present their experience of applying process mining in large production environments. In concert with the industry chairs, Dr. Marc Kerremans and Prof. Marcello La Rosa, we have just published the call for industry speakers (see icpmconference.org/2020/call-for-industry-day-talks). We aim to be as inclusive as possible: You can propose yourself, if you are from the industry, and/or some of your industrial partners to talk at the industry dayWe need you!
    Also, the industry day will include a discussion panel, with companies and sponsors, to debate key questions that are currently gaining momentum. Last but not least, process-mining researchers and vendors will be given the chance in a dedicated demonstration session to showcase the last advances in process-mining tools: they will present the novel features that are available in commercial software suite and in academic tools, with dedicated stands to illustrate their achievements to interest conference attendees. This will be beneficial for all the actors involved: industry can take inspiration of the latest features development in academia, academia can reflect on which features were picked up by commercial process-mining software, and consultancy firms, process analysts and owners receive insights on repertoire of solutions available.

The program of ICPM 2020 does not finish here: different contests will be organized where researchers, vendors, consultants and, even, students will compete to win the challenges that will be proposed. Presentations of the winners will also take place on Monday, October 5th. Stay tuned on icpmconference.org/2020/contributions to see which contests will be present.

We are proud to confirm that the international value of the conference is widely recognized: the conference is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, and supported by the IEEE Task Force on Process Mining. Also, more details will follow in the next edition of this newsletter.