Processes in the South across the ocean: Latin American Schools on process mining
challenge and study community learningDescribed by Andrea Delgado and Daniel Calegari
The Latin American Schools on Process Mining took place at the Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay, led by international experts along with local teachers, to dig into different topics related to Process Mining.
In April 2024, the Latin American School on Process Variability and Process Mining was a unique opportunity for 30 undergraduate and graduate students and researchers from the Latin American Community to gather at the Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay. The four-day intensive school, set against the beautiful coastline of Montevideo, provided a rich learning and collaboration environment.
The school, led by international experts such as Dr. Claudio Di Ciccio (Utrecht University, Netherlands), Dr. Marlon Dumas (University of Tartu, Estonia), and Dr. Félix García (Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha, Spain), along with local teachers Dr. Andrea Delgado and Dr. Daniel Calegari, covered a diverse range of topics. These included an introduction to process-aware information systems and process variability, as well as enterprise architectures, declarative process mining, and AI-driven process optimization.
This edition was built on the 1st Latin American School on Process Mining (LASPM), held in November 2022 led by international experts Dra. Barbara Weber (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland), Dr. Hajo Reijers (Utrecht University, Netherlands), and Jorge Muñoz-Gama and Marcos Sepúlveda (Pontificia Universidad de Chile), as well as the local teachers. In this first edition, 15 participants included -apart from students and researchers- industry and government professionals, who engaged around topics such as foundations of process mining and applications of process mining in the health, education, and e-government domains.
Both schools were organized by the COAL Group as part of national research projects: the first one was funded by the national research agency Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación (ANII), Uruguay, and the second one was funded by a research agency from the university Comisión Sectorial de Investigación Científica (CSIC), UdelaR, Uruguay. Both were also supported by the IEEE Task Force on Process Mining and the Latin American Center for Computing Studies (Centro Latinoamericano de Estudios en Informática), as well as the Academic Postgraduate Program PEDECIBA, UdelaR, Uruguay.
We are very grateful to the international experts who participated in the schools, to all attendees, to the organizations supporting the schools, and to the Facultad de Ingeniería, UdelaR for letting us host the events and showcase the venue and capabilities. We are delighted with the results. Our objective of promoting the dissemination of advances related to the topics was fully achieved. We also continue consolidating this space in the BPM community, both for the exchange of views and sharing of experiences, and fostering collaborations between the different actors to contribute to the development and adoption in Latin America, building bridges with the international community.
To know more about the events, visit for the program, information, and lectures given by the speakers (Spanish only) for the second school, and for the first school.
- This article has been updated on October 14 2024, 12:54.
- Described by Andrea Delgado and Daniel Calegari