OCED Symposium @ ICPM 2023
The OCED working group will host a symposium to discuss the latest developments in Object-centric Event Data at the International Conference on Process Mining 2023 which will be held in Rome, Italy.
Following on from the development of the OCED meta-model that was presented at the 2022 symposium, the working group sent out a call for reference implementations with different languages to generate feedback and improve the meta-model before moving forward as an IEEE standard. The scope of each reference implementation is to show
- how the OCED meta-model concepts are mapped
to/supported by the individual implementation and
- how imports and/or
exports of actual data work in practice.
This call for reference implementations has been answered by four teams who will showcase their implementations at this year’s symposium.
We look forward to seeing you there.
13:45-14:00: OCED Introduction presentation
By Moe Wynn & Julian Lebherz
14:00-15:00: Four implementations
14:00-14:15: Implementing Object-Centric Event Data Models in Event Knowledge Graphs
By Dirk Fahland and Marco Montali(15 mins)
The task of to transforming legacy data into OCED requires domain-specific knowledge about the semantics of the legacy data in order to make explicit how events act on various inter-related data objects and their attributes. We have implemented a semantic header that defines how extracted legacy data maps to OCED concepts and the domain-specific reference ontology using PG-schema. We automatically translate the header into database queries to construct an event knowledge graph that is compliant with OCED and the domain ontology using a declarative extract-load-transform approach. The implementation has been demonstrated on 7 real-life datasets, making it one of the first attempts to make OCED operational.
14:15-14:30: A Model-Driven Engineering perspective for the Object-Centric Event Data (OCED) metamodel
By Daniel Calegari and Andrea Delgado (15 mins)
We have implemented an Ecore-based representation of the OCED metamodel and have explored its capabilities from an Model-Driven Engineering perspective. We have also considered how the Business Process and Organizational Data Integrated Metamodel (a proposal for integrating process and organizational data) can be aligned with OCED, which could provide fruitful information for OCED improvement.
14:30-14:45: Object-Centric Event Log 2.0 (OCEL 2.0)
By Wil van der Aalst (15 mins)
OCEL 1.0 was first implemented and released in 2020 and triggered the development of a range of OCPM techniques. OCEL 2.0 implements the new, more expressive standard, allowing for more extensive process analyses while remaining in an easily exchangeable format. In contrast to the first OCEL standard, it can depict changes in objects, provide information on object relationships, and qualify these relationships to other objects or specific events. Compared to XES, it is more expressive, less complicated, and better readable. OCEL 2.0 offers three exchange formats: a relational database (SQLite), XML, and JSON format, and is supported by corresponding process mining tools for process discovery, conformance checking, etc. (OCpi, OCPM, etc.), libraries (ocpa, pm4js, pm4py), and conversion tools (e.g., interfaces with Celonis and Oracle). OCEL 2.0 also comes with a set of example data sets in all three formats.
14:45-15:00: Konekti: Data Preparation For Process Mining Simplified, Compatible with the OCED Metamodel
By Maarten van Asseldonk and Niek van Son
Konekti is the only data preparation platform in the industry dedicated to process mining. In Konekti, users are guided to prepare an object-centric data model, which can be exported in an OCED-compatible exchange format, or flattened to a classical event log. We focused on how to simplify the data modelling for business users, while decreasing the effort required for data preparation. During the symposium, we will explain the key concepts of data modelling within Konekti, our implementation of the concepts in OCED, as well as give a quick product demo.
15:00-15:40: Synthesis and next steps
Panel (representatives from implementation teams) – moderated by Claudio Di Ciccio, Moe Wynn and Julian Lebherz
- Exchange formats
- Data sharing
- Open challenges
- Standardisation
- Questions from the audience
15:40-15:45: Closing remarks
- OCED Introduction presentation
- Implementing Object-Centric Event Data Models in Event Knowledge Graphs
- A Model-Driven Engineering perspective for the Object-Centric Event Data (OCED) metamodel
- Object-Centric Event Log 2.0 (OCEL 2.0)
- Konekti: Data Preparation For Process Mining Simplified, Compatible with the OCED Metamodel