Join the ICPM Steering Committee

As described in the minutes of the Annual Meeting IEEE Task Force on Process Mining at ICPM 2019 in Aachen, we are looking for candidates to join the Steering Committee. Please apply before August 31st 2019 if you want to join the Task Force’s Steering Committee and contribute to the future of process mining. Last year an inaugural Steering Committee (SC) was formed composed of Wil van der Aalst (chair of steering committee), Mieke Jans, Josep Carmona, Marcello La Rosa, and Boudewijn van Dongen. The goal is to broaden the steering committee with experienced people that want join the committee and help to shape the future of processes (including the flagship ICPM conference). ## Application * **Send to []( "") before August 31st 2019** * **Include:** * **A short motivation letter.** * **A detailed indication of the tasks you would like to perform (see the list below). You commit to work!** * **Showing commitment and willingness to attend all ICPM conferences and task force meetings.** * **A CV showing a good track record in process mining** ### Hard requirements to be part of the SC< * Willingness to do tasks for the community. The applicant should indicate which of the activities (s)he will to do and how much time is available for this. * Firm promise to attend ICPM and the Task Force meetings each year (SC members that do not attend will be removed). * Only senior researchers/experts with a proven track record should apply (not for junior researchers). ### We aim for a balanced SC composition: * Diversity, as of: * Geographic balance (also representing the countries with many activities). * Topic balance (process mining is a broad field with many sub-disciplines, also ranging from theoretical to more applied). * Gender balance. ### Candidates are expected to be involved and lead some of the following activities (indicate in application): * Activity: ICPM Conference * Organize our flagship conference, i.e., appoint PC chairs, select locations, discuss with organizers, act as a liaison between the different parties (including IEEE). * Activity: Membership management * Maintain e-mail list and manage the memberships (may change as it is now). * Activity: Website * Maintain the IEEE Task Force’s website. Create a new URL. Cross-linking with the ICPM website * This needs to be done by a team and is linked to many of the other activities. * Activity: PM Newsletter (new) * Create a newsletter (2-3 per year) with news on activities and case studies. * Is used to refresh the case study repository. * Distributed via the mailing list and other channels. * Activity: LinkedIn group and other social media * Use the existing group or create a new LinkedIn group. * Avoid duplication of work and have “official channels” * Need to synchronize with George Varvaressos on this (needs to release control to make it an official channel, it cannot be both). * Activity: Contests and Awards * BPI Challenge * Process Discovery Contest * Conformance Checking Contest * Best PhD thesis * … * Activity: XES standardization and certification * A more active team is needed. Now most of the work is done by Eric Verbeek. * Avoid selfish behavior (standards are good for the field as a whole) * Activity: Data sets * Create and maintain open data sets * Linked to challenges * Activity: Other events (e.g., workshops) * Three types of workshops: (1) TF-ICPM workshops, (2) TF-non-ICPM workshops, and (3) TF-affiliated workshops. * Existing workshops (incomplete): * Workshop on Business Process Intelligence and Workshop Process-Oriented Data Science for Healthcare at BPM * Algorithms and Theories for the Analysis of Event Data (ATAED) at Petri nets * We need also a presence at IEEE CIS conferences, e.g., International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA), IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) * Activity: Other networks * Create and maintain with other networks (e.g., regional or specialized). * Example: SRC on Process Mining, but for example also PODS4H (Process-Oriented Data Science for Healthcare)? ### Current Steering Committee and Governance Inaugural steering committee: * [Wil van der Aalst](/ieeetfpm/doku.php?id=shared:aalst_wil_van_der "shared:aalst_wil_van_der") (chair) * [Mieke Jans](/ieeetfpm/doku.php?id=shared:jans_mieke "shared:jans_mieke") * [Josep Carmona](/ieeetfpm/doku.php?id=shared:carmona_josep "shared:carmona_josep") * [Marcello La Rosa](/ieeetfpm/doku.php?id=shared:la_rosa_marcello "shared:la_rosa_marcello") * [Boudewijn van Dongen](/ieeetfpm/doku.php?id=shared:dongen_boudewijn_van "shared:dongen_boudewijn_van") The goal is to grow this to approx. 10 members and to create bylaws. These should ensure transparency, stability, and increased activity. There should be a clear rotation scheme (e.g., 3 years + 3 years). Ad-hoc at first. In steady-state people should be elected and there should be a continuous renewal. The inaugural SC will meet at BPM 2019 in Sept. 2019 and decide on the first additions (the goal is to add 5 more members). **Please apply before August 31st 2019 by sending an e-mail to the members of the inaugural SC ([]( ""))**
  • News created on July 16 2019, 08:53.
  • This news has been updated on December 18 2019, 10:56
  • Author: Pippo